Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Experiencing the Sacred and Ecstasy


Ecstasy and the Sublime

self rejoicing outside itself

Nov 20, 2018

Mirrors, thoughts reflect as well

Yesterday, we shared Meetings with the Beatific. Today, we reflect on that, as an ecstatic experience, through verse. Doing so through verse is more attuned to experiences of the Sacred than is the prosaic tendency for intellectualizing. So, I invite you to read in a receptive posture, to 'listen' wholeheartedly, rather than 'thinking about.' As in contemplative listening, allow the verse to speak with your heart, letting the words be means of the Word in the particular shape that Grace offers you, rather than a meaning that you think ought to be for everyone or even for yourself now and later, as well. Experiences that 'transcend' intellectualizing cannot be received by intellectualizing. Thanks!

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encountering the Sublime
always initiated by the Sublime
a 'descent' of the Sublime

that of the Sublime within the self
meets with the Sublime
Grace manifesting to the self

if that of the Sublime were not within the recipient
no reflection for the manifestation to occur being present
then no 'descent' of the Sacred would be possible

even as a tree standing beside waters
is mirrored on the waters
by the Light

so this meeting with the Sublime
including self, context, experience of
become means to embody the power of Grace

when all relative aspects of this Sharing occur together
this harmonious alignment provides the setting
for the Light to reveal Itself through the aspects

then, the experience is ecstatic ~ lit. standing outside ~
for the sense of the recipient shifts
self relocated outside the self

the person, an ever-changing movement in time,
witnesses the theophanic unfolding timelessly
person outside itself for drawn into intimacy with the Holy

one, then, is surrendered to the glory of Life
relocated to the natural habitat
within the Silence

the nature of this ecstasy
is the consequence of the Intimacy
wherein one is drawn back into the largeness of Grace, by Grace

~ the self becomes Grace
by Grace ~

here, one witnesses
and is summoned to remain in quietude
releasing the tendency to think about the Unveiling

this witnessing is a receptive being-with
a Communion with everything
in the same Life incarnating from eternity into time, moment-with-moment

the witnessing denuded of self-being-in-itself
through the powerlessness induced by the Revelation
relaxes into the Immensity from which Life arises as particular forms

the self-witnessing, in ecstatic gratitude, in quiet bliss
is joined with rejoicing in the relaxation of separateness
by which it had defined itself in relation to all things

this beatific vision, not to remain,
leaves an imprint in unconsciousness
where it remains with other experiences of Grace

the imprints work together, silently,
and fulfilling the powers of the original experiences ~
a holy gestation, always virgin, transmuting the person

self becoming Self ~ harmonious Love ~
the rebirth within hiddeness of Silence
clothing the one form in time with illimitable Grace

Aqueous Reflections on a Wintry Day

*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Experiencing the Sacred and Ecstasy

©Brian Wilcox 2024